Arab Nations Are Making History … Right Now!!

The people know the TRUTH

There is a great wave of change that is surging through the Arab nations. We cannot predict with any certainty how it will end up, but one thing is for certain: there is no cry of anti-American sentiment, there are no burning American flags, but social networking (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube , have carried the message of hope for the courageous protesters.

The Internet has provided the TRUTH to people in lands that never before had access to the TRUTH. That TRUTH has called to action the people of Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and Libya to reject the governments that have stood for decades, in favor of freedom and opportunity.

More Arab governments will fall as this tsunami continues to move and retructure the Arab lands.

It is history in the making

Our hearts go out to those injured and killed who have and continue to fight for a new beginning.

About ParadigmSlayer

I love this Country and want, like many many others, for the American dream to continue to pass-on to the next generations.

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